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Homecoming 2020 Honorees

Click here to view a slide show listing all 2020 Homecoming Honorees shown on this page.

Harmon Memorial Wall Honorees

Alumni Award Recipients

The Norwich University Alumni Association, with support of the NU Alumni Office and College of Graduate & Continuing Studies, annually presents special awards to alumni and friends who have made significant contributions to Norwich, their community and their profession. 

New Leader Achievement Awards
Rose Bernheim ’14 ♦ Leah Cifuentes ’19 & M’20 ♦ Brandon Beal ’19

Sustained Service Awards 
John Manchester ’64 ♦ Brian Doyle ’94 ♦ Rick Mullen ’79

CGCS Alumni Award
Lisa Crockett M’06

Honorary Alumnus Award
Andrew Bisset

Alumni Director’s Awards
Brian Gibbons ’99 ♦ Molly McGlaughlin ’89 ♦ Keith Gelinas ’84

Distinguished Alumni Awards
Blair LaVoie ’84 ♦ Chris Costa ’84 ♦ Lauren Wobby ’84 & M’12 ♦ Bakari Dale ’99

NU2NU Award
Recognizing alumni for generous, enthusiastic, and ongoing efforts that give back to the university by contributing their time and talent to preserve Norwich history, build alumni-to-alumni connections and/or develop alumni-to-student relations. 
Richard Branca ’78

Learn more about the categories and criteria here.

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

The Norwich University Athletic Hall of Fame is a tribute to the history of Norwich athletics. Boasting 285 individuals and 28 teams, the Hall of Fame recognizes both distinguished athletes and individuals who have contributed to the success of Norwich student-athletes.

Chuck Allen ’80 -- Skiing, Lacrosse and Soccer
Frank Paul DiMarco ’75 -- Lacrosse and Soccer
George Handley ’65 -- Hockey and Golf
David Held ’00 -- Rifle
Mike Hester ’90 -- Football
Sophie Leclerc ’10 -- Hockey
Eric Tallent ’10 -- Hockey
Robert Ulrich ’00 -- Wrestling
President Emeritus Richard W. Schneider, RADM, USCGR (Ret.), Honorary
1969-70 Football Team
2009-10 Men’s Hockey Team

Click here for further information about this year's inductees.

For more information, and to see the list of past inductees, please click here.

Memory LaneRoll of HonorThe Grit GamesName That SongYum YumGet Up and Go
Just for FunCelebrating ExcellenceDedications

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