Norwich University | Alumni & Family


Norwich University Alumni Awards

The Norwich University Alumni Association, with support of the NU Alumni Office and College of Graduate & Continuing Studies, annually presents special awards to alumni and friends who have made significant contributions to Norwich, their community and profession. The awards are presented each year during Homecoming Weekend.

Award Categories and Criteria

  • Distinguished Alumni Award

    Awarded to an alumnus or alumna of Norwich's undergraduate or online programs for exceptional service to Norwich University, outstanding accomplishment in a civilian or military career, and notable public service. Nominees will have given significantly of their time, talents and resources in support of his/her alma mater.


  • Alumni Director's Award

    Awarded to an alumnus or alumna of Norwich’s undergraduate or online programs for outstanding contributions and selfless service to Norwich University, and for giving generously of his or her time, talent and service in support of their community.

  • Sustained Service Award

    Awarded to an alumnus or alumna of Norwich’s undergraduate or online programs who demonstrates a constant interest in, and support for the University over time while exemplifying the ideals of a Norwich graduate.

  • New Leader Achievement Award

    Awarded to an alumnus or alumna who graduated within the past 15 years who exemplifies exceptional interest in and service to Norwich University, outstanding accomplishment in his or her civilian career, and a commitment to community service.

  • Honorary Alumnus/na Award

    Awarded to faculty, staff, parent or friend of the University who has demonstrated a great love for Norwich University and reflected the ideals of a Norwich graduate while making a lasting impact on its students, graduates, and the institution.

  • CGCS Alumni Award

    Awarded to an alumnus or alumna of Norwich’s College of Graduate & Continuing Studies for outstanding accomplishment in a civilian or military career, notable public service, and significant contributions of time, talent and resources in support of CGCS.

  • Admissions Sustained Service Award

    The Office of Admissions annually recognizes admissions ambassadors for their volunteer service to Norwich above and beyond the call. These honorees have represented Norwich at college fairs, by visiting their local high schools and meeting with students and guidance counselors for many years—some over decades. Qualified students are the lifeblood of Norwich University. These honorees’ passion and Maroon and Gold spirit is much admired and truly appreciated.

2023 Award Recipients

  • New Leader Achievement Awards

    Diedrich Holtkamp ’08

    Kevin Serry ’18

  • Alumni Director's Awards

    H. David Hennessey ’73

    Tina Judd-Christiano ’83

  • Sustained Service Awards

    Jeffrey Holden ’68

    Jeffrey Katz ’73

    Stephen Lewkowicz ’73

    Randy Miller ’93 

  • Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards

    Mark Bowman ’78

    Lowell Price ’93

    Annette Redmond ’83

    Willie Wright ’93

    Dave Whaley ’76

  • Honorary Alumni Awards

    Bill Clements

    Patrick Gardner

  • CGCS Alumni Award

    Matt Bambrick M’10, M’12

2022 Award Recipients

  • New Leader Achievement Award

    Caitlin Banfield ’12

  • Alumni Director's Awards

    Michael Babyak ’92

    Ken Johnston ’82

    Patty Leavenworth ’87 & P’10

    Michael Tennenbaum ’67

  • Sustained Service Awards

    Dan Evans ’87

    Doug Houle ’87 

    Mark Madsen ’82 & P’19

    Steve Martin ’72 

  • Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards

    Jack Bergquist ’67 

    Richard Blunt ’72

    Landers Symes ’87

  • Honorary Alumna Award

    Martha Mathis P’06

  • Admissions Sustained Service Award

    John Green P’88

2021 Award Recipients

  • New Leader Achievement Award

    Karthik Raman ’06

  • Alumni Director's Awards

    John Gatti ’86

    Michael Williams ’91

  • Sustained Service Awards

    Hilary McElroy Coons ’01

    Dennis Downey ’81 

  • Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards

    Dick Goldberg ’71 

    Michael Palmer ’76

  • Honorary Alumni Awards

    Michael McShane

    Bob & Lou Ellen MacDonald P’06

    Nick & Christine DeSilvio P’18, P’19, P’20, P’21, P’23  

2020 Award Recipients

  • Distinguished Alumni Award

    Philip Down ’70

    Alan Deforest ’75

    Brian Raymond ’90

  • Alumni Director's Award

    Dan McDonnell ’85

    Bill Lyons ’90

  • Sustained Service Award

    Tim Finamore ’85 & M’03, P’14

    William McIntosh ’95

  • New Leader Achievement Award

    Heather Roszkowski ’00

  • Honorary Alumnus/na Award

    Marsha Budnick P’86 (Posthumous)

2019 Award Recipients

  • Distinguished Alumni Award

    Lawrence Budnick, Jr. '64 & P'86

    Edward Giannattasio '79

    John Hall '69

  • Alumni Director's Award

    Jonathan Allen '94

    Mark Curley '89 & P'19

    David DeNofrio '84

  • Sustained Service Award

    Steven Bergholtz '84

    David Plank '74

    Dawn Robinson '99

    Richard Thayer '59

  • New Leader Achievement Award

    Enrico Piatelli '09

  • CGCS Alumni Award

    Johannes Allert M'11

  • Honorary Alumnus/na Award

    Richard Schneider

  • Admissions Sustained Service Award

    Rollins Collins '69

    Richard Macy '63