Help us locate your classmates!
The majority of our Homecoming outreach is done via email so if you or someone you know are not currently receiving email from Norwich, please click here to update your contact information. You don't want to miss out on important reunion details!
We would also appreciate your help locating ‘missing’ classmates. The list below shows your classmates in the Norwich database without current contact information. If you know the whereabouts of any of these alumni or know how to reach them, please call our office at (802) 485-2300 or send an email to the Alumni Office.
Alumni listed below graduated in class years ending in 0 or 5 or are a missing alumni in the Old Guard. If you would like to view a full list of ALL lost alumni, please click here.
NOTE: After clicking "search," scroll to the bottom of the page, below the search button, to see the results.
Classmates without Contact Information
Last Name | First Name | School name | Class of | College |
Abbott | William | | | |
Adams | John | | | |
Ahmad | Zainal Abidin | | | |
Ambrefe | John | | | |
Amoroso | Allen | | | |
Anderson | Noel | | | |
Appiani | Leon | | | |
Bailey | Albert | | | |
Bailey | Stephan | | | |
Baker | Donald | | | |
Barnick | John | | | |
Barron | Katharine | | | |
Bauer | Paul | | | |
Baxter | William | | | |
Beeman | William | | | |
Bennett | Molly | | |
College of Professional Schools |
Bishop | John | | | |
Bowser | Judith |
Norwich University |
Norwich University |
| |
*Inv* Vt College(Trad)(Alumni) |
Boyd | Donald | | | |
Boyes | William | | | |
Brady | William | | | |
Bridges | R. James | | | |
Broderick | Steven | | | |
Brown | Bill | | | |
Brown | Donovan | | |
College of Science & Mathematics |
Burroughs | Harry | | | |
Cahill | John | | | |
Callaghan | William | | | |
Carey | Richard | | | |
Carlton | C. Sargent | | | |
Carpenter | Leslie | | |
College of Science & Mathematics |
Carroll | Robert | | | |
Chaffee | Ward | | | |
Chambers | John | | | |
Charland | Claude | | | |
Chen | Jun-rong | | | |
Chinery | Rodger | | | |
Chittock | Georgina | | | |
Clay | Wharton | | | |
Cohen | Thiel | | | |
Cole | Herbert | | | |
Cole Iii | A. | | | |
Cone | James | | | |
Cooper | Emmanuelle | | | |
Cooper | William | | | |
Corrado | Joseph | | | |
Corson | Clark | | | |
Cote | George | | | |
Craig | Robert | | | |
Crandall | Robert | | | |